The year a lot of us have been waiting for. Four months in and I'm sure some of us (me, lol) still don't know what we will do with it. There are a few things I want to do but for some reason, there are times I tend to put people and their opinions before my own...stuff. I unfortunately allow people to talk me out of things, especially when they point out the possibility of failure.
Pause for this fun fact about me: my fear of failure is the most crippling thing I have ever experienced. I will psych myself out then end up being miserable because I didn't take the chance. Sounds like tons of fun, right?
Ok so, as I was saying. I recently went back into an office setting. It's a mostly regular and somewhat safe 9 to 5 - something I have not been in for a little while. I get there for 9:00AM. I sit at a desk. I leave at 5:00PM (well, guh home time is really very relative lol).
The year a lot of us have been waiting for. Four months in and I'm sure some of us (me, lol) still don't know what we will do with it. There are a few things I want to do but for some reason, there are times I tend to put people and their opinions before my own...stuff. I unfortunately allow people to talk me out of things, especially when they point out the possibility of failure.
Pause for this fun fact about me: my fear of failure is the most crippling thing I have ever experienced. I will psych myself out then end up being miserable because I didn't take the chance. Sounds like tons of fun, right?
Ok so, as I was saying. I recently went back into an office setting. It's a mostly regular and somewhat safe 9 to 5 - something I have not been in for a little while. I get there for 9:00AM. I sit at a desk. I leave at 5:00PM (well, guh home time is really very relative lol).
For as long as I can remember though, I have never wanted that. There are some people who want an office job and flourish effortlessly in it. I see you all. I respect you all. However, I also believe that you can flourish just as much outside of the office, outside of those walls, away from that desk.I'm all for spreading your wings and flying or soaring or whatever eagles and those other fancy birds do and I wholeheartedly encourage people to try whatever they want. So why, pray tell, can't I follow my own advice?
Back. I cannot take my own advice because, first of all I'm an idiot...and I will be the first to admit it - I don't believe in myself more often than not. If my confidence is on 100, hell yeah I'll take it on but if I have even an ounce of doubt, nope I'm not doing it. That's something I hope to change about myself very soon because I can't live like this. I don't want to be 50 and then look back at things and go "damn, I really could have done it if I tried."
So that is what I will do. I will try. And try again. And try some more. As Marianne Williamson and the late, great Nelson Mandela once said "
So that is what I will do. I will try. And try again. And try some more. As Marianne Williamson and the late, great Nelson Mandela once said "
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Let's liberate ourselves and in turn liberate others. Let us shine a light so bright that no one can cover their eyes or run from it. Let us.
Stay strong and be blessed.
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