Monday, August 20, 2012

It's just Twitter.....Or is it?

I've been ot of commission with this writing thing for a minute, but for fear of going insane...and being bored...and the fact that insomnia is rampant I decided to do something tonight. We all know what Twitter is. It is THE social network that has singlehandedly taken over people’s lives. Just when we were getting bored, a wild Twitter appears. In the animal kingdom- which is what I’ll be calling the Internet in this post – the one with the most views, hits, touches, fondles or whatever you want to call it, is the Lion. Started off as innocent and a way to interact with friends, little Twitter grew rapidly and pranced wildly along the plains. I’ve seen predator become prey and prey become predator. I think one day, they’re all just going to up and eat each other…and I’ll be up in a tree, watching same unfold, eating some fruit, with my shades on. There are some people who take Twitter way too seriously. I know your life revolves around it and all, but would it kill you to take your head out of your ass? “I have more followers than you”. “Nobody’s RT’ing you” “You can’t spell”. While everyone is entitled to their opinion and is free to object anyone else’s, there are others who really need to shut the hell up. After all, it’s just Twitter. Or is it? Let me share: I recently unfollowed someone who shall remain nameless, who I’m sure will see this post and get all in their feelings with their fragile self BUT if you know me well enough, you’ll know that not one eff is given. Anyway, seeing that I am of the view that no one is obligated to anyone else on the internet (or life in general), I went ahead and clicked that unfollow button. People are always like “don’t like what I tweet? Then UNFOLLOW. (So why you mad though?) It’s all champagne and strawberries until you search your follower list and not see someone who was there before. - BY THE WAY, in all that is good and holy… WHO THE HELL DOES THAT? What I’m getting at is….since it’s not such a big deal…and you don’t give a hoot…and “the unfollow button is there”, why is it such a big deal when someone clicks it? They tolerate you in real life, they’re civil but you just can’t chill. Stay mad. It’s not even just my situation, I’ve seen it happen countless times. Y’all didn’t get this mad over Facebook. What’s so new now? THEN….there are those people who have zero personality outside of Twitter. All sorts of mess to say, so much LULZ, best stories. Meet them in real life? CRICKETS. THAT’S NICE EEH… Then cyber bullies. Nothing to do? Read a book. Take care of your skin. Lose some weight. Learn to spell. There are much more productive things one may do with their time. Baddest thing in the animal kingdom, then when a bigger animal pounces….everybody bawl cree.I don’t really care about being blocked, unfollowed, refollowed and then blocked again. As long as my dinner is present, I am okay. Matter of fact….. *walks to kitchen*
